
Master Plan

The Rangeview Landowners Group is working hard to support the vision for the Lakeview Waterfront by bringing:

Over 2 hectares
of parks
AND open space

(more than double the size of
Kariya Park)

more pedestrian-friendly
paths and

Diverse retail
frontage along

Approx. 5,000

Over 2 hectares of parks AND open space

(more than double the size of
Kariya Park)

more pedestrian-friendly
paths and

Diverse retail
frontage along

Approx. 5,000 residential homes


A Predominantly Mid-Rise Community
Well-Connected Network of Public and Private Open Spaces
Tall Buildings at Strategic Locations
Enhanced Views, Access and Connections Towards Parks and the Water
Respecting the Exisiting Community, while Integrating with the Emerging Context

Lakeshore to the Park to the Water

Project Status

This timeline shares with community members what has occurred, where we are in the process, and what will occur next.

Development Master Plan Documents

Access all materials and reports related to the Rangeview application.

Development Master Plan Resubmission

Access all materials and reports related to the resubmission.

Frequently Asked Questions

1. What is a Development Master Plan?

A Development Master Plan is a non-statutory policy document that is required to be prepared to the satisfaction of City Council for each Precinct in the Lakeview Waterfront Major Node. The purpose of the Development Master Plan is to outline development principles and guidelines at a more detailed level for a specific Precinct, such as the orientation of roads, the form of new buildings, and the size and location of parks, among other elements.

2. Who is the developer?

There is no single developer for the Rangeview project. We are a group of landowners that own approximately 65% of the Rangeview lands. As owners of businesses in Rangeview, we have a deep understanding of, and in many cases a long history in, the community. We look forward to supporting a future for our lands as part of the Lakeview Waterfront.

3. What happens after the Master Plan process? 

The next step after submitting the Development Master Plan for Rangeview, will be to submit an Official Plan Amendment (OPA) application to the City of Mississauga. While the Development Master
Plan provides overall guidance on how the Precinct will develop, as it is a non-statutory document, an OPA application will also be required in order to update the City’s Official Plan policies to reflect the further developed vision for Rangeview set out in the Development Master Plan. We anticipate the OPA submission to happen in 2023.

4. How can I share my ideas and feedback?

We encourage anyone who is interested in sharing their feedback or has questions to contact us through this website. A member of our team will get back to you shortly. Thank you in advance for taking the time to reach out. 

Share your ideas and ask questions

Get in touch, share your feedback, and ask questions about the Master Plan for Rangeview. A member of the team will get back to you shortly.